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Our documentation library is your go-to resource for all things EpiSensor IIoT. It contains a wide range of materials, including user guides, data sheets, application notes, and installation sheets, to help you get the most out of your IIoT systems.

Datasheet TES 1X - Discontinued
Ambient Temperature Sensor (TES-1X) Datasheet

EpiSensor’s TES is a flexible, highly accurate wireless ambient temperature sensor. It can monitor environmental  conditions in buildings and assets remotely and securely via the EpiSensor Gateway, providing facility managers
with the granular real-time data they need to improve efficiency, reduce costs and improve performance.

Application Note - Automatic software updates on Ubuntu Core
Automatic software updates on Ubuntu Core Application Note

This document describes how to control automatic software updates on Ubuntu Core. Ubuntu Core, by default, provides a limited set of options to control when snap packages update. More information here on the standard options available.

Application NotesEPI-183-01application-notesngr zgwdemand-response energy-management environmental-monitoring
Configuring Sensors on EpiSensor Nodes (EPI-174-00)
Configuring Sensors on EpiSensor Nodes Application Note

This Application Note describes the process of configuring EpiSensor Nodes on the ZGW and NGR Gateway web interface. Here you can find instructions on how to access the sensor settings on the EpiSensor Gateway web interface along with the description of all the sensor properties and sensor information fields.

Application NotesEPI-174-00application-notesngr zgwdemand-response energy-management environmental-monitoring
Configuring the high speed data module on ZDR
Configuring the High Speed Data Module on ZDR Application Note

EpiSensor’s Demand Response Controller is an all-in-one solution for large-scale Demand Side Response programs. Built on EpiSensor’s hardened Industrial IoT platform, it meets the highest standards of accuracy, reliability and security, with a consumer-class user experience that’s easy to install, configure and maintain. This Application Note describes the installation, configuration and use of the High Speed Data Module in the ZDR-16.

Application NotesEPI-131-03application-noteszdrdemand-response
User Guide Connecting your EpiSensor Gateway to AWS IoT Core
Connecting your EpiSensor Gateway to AWS IoT Core

EpiSensor’s Internet of Things platform is easy to deploy, configure and scale and includes a range of sensor products that can monitor a variety of environmental and energy usage parameters in commercial and industrial environments.

User GuidesEPI-101-01user-guideszgwdemand-response energy-management environmental-monitoring
User Guide Connecting your EpiSensor Gateway to Microsoft Azure IoT Hub
Connecting your EpiSensor Gateway to Microsoft Azure IoT Hub

EpiSensor’s Internet of Things platform is easy to deploy, configure and scale and includes a range of sensor products that can monitor a variety of environmental and energy usage parameters in commercial and industrial environments.

User GuidesEPI-103-01user-guidesngr zgwdemand-response energy-management environmental-monitoring
Application Note - Data Export HTTP Return Codes (EPI-123-00)
Data Export HTTP Return Codes Application Note

This application note describes how the EpiSensor Gateway interprets the status codes returned from the server after an attempted data export via HTTP(S). It is important that the HTTP(S) server returns the correct error to indicate why the transport failed. For example, returning 4XX error codes when there is a server-side problem could cause the Gateway to retry an export that will consistently fail, disrupting the normal flow of data. 

Application NotesEPI-123-00application-notesngr zgwdemand-response energy-management environmental-monitoring
Demand Response Event Data (EPI-124-01)
Demand Response Event Data Application Note

This Application Note describes how demand response event data (which is produced by the high-speed data module on EpiSensor’s ZDR product line) is handled by the EpiSensor Gateway. 

Application NotesEPI-124-01application-noteszdr zgwdemand-response
Application Note Demand Response with EpiSensor
Demand Response with EpiSensor Application Note

EpiSensor’s ZDR is an all-in-one solution for large-scale Demand Side Response programs. Built on EpiSensor’s hardened Industrial IoT platform, it meets the highest standards of accuracy, reliability and security, with a consumer-class user experience that’s easy to install, configure and maintain. 

This Application Note shows at high level example of demand response implementation.

Application NotesEPI-121-00application-noteszdr zgwdemand-response
Application Note ZMB Device Compatibility
Device Compatibility Wireless Modbus Interface (ZMB) Application Note

EpiSensor’s Wireless Modbus Interface (ZMB) makes it easy to collect data from wired Modbus-enabled equipment. Data is transferred securely over a wireless network to a central Gateway, where it is stored and exported to a variety of 3rd party platforms for storage, visualisation and analysis. This application note lists some of the devices compatible with the EpiSensor ZMB, with a particular focus on refrigeration monitoring.

Application NotesEPI-143-00application-noteszmbdemand-response energy-management environmental-monitoring
Application Note District Heating Management with EpiSensor
District Heating Management with EpiSensor Application Note

This system diagram details the district heating management possible with EpiSensor.
This system diagram gives a high level view of the integration of EpiSensor Gateway software and devices with IoT software apps over cloud networks to assist with: Temperature Monitoring and Energy Management

Application NotesEPI-065-00application-noteszhmenergy-management
Application Note Enable Watchdog Timer on NGR-30-5
Enable Watchdog Timer on NGR-30-5 Application Note

Support for the Watchdog Timer on the NGR-30-5 is provided by the dcc snap (dcc stands for Dell Command and Configure) which should be already installed and running on your gateway.

Application NotesEPI-177-01application-notesngrdemand-response energy-management environmental-monitoring
Application Note Enable Wi Fi Access Point Mode on NGR-30-5
Enable Wi-Fi Access Point Mode on NGR-30-5 Application Note

This application note describes how to enable Wi-Fi in Access Point mode on the EpiSensor NGR-30-5 Gateway, which will allow clients (laptops, mobile phones, etc.) to connect to the Gateway and access the EpiSensor web interface. An SSH client and basic knowledge of the VI command line text editor is needed. 

Application NotesEPI-142-00application-notesngrdemand-response energy-management environmental-monitoring
Application Note Energy Management with EpiSensor
Energy Management with EpiSensor Application Note

This diagram details the energy management possible with EpiSensor. It gives a high level view of the integration of EpiSensor Gateway software and devices with IoT software apps over cloud networks to assist with Energy Management

Application NotesEPI-115-00application-noteszem zgw zhm zmb zpcenergy-management
Application Note EpiSensor System Architecture
EpiSensor System Architecture Application Note

This system diagram gives a high level view of the integration of EpiSensor Gateway software and devices with IoT software apps over cloud networks to assist with:

Temperature Monitoring
Energy Management
Refrigeration Monitoring
Predictive Maintenance
Demand Response

Application NotesEPI-116-00application-notesrto tes zdr zem zgw zht zmb zpcdemand-response energy-management environmental-monitoring
Application Note Estimating node location using wireless metadata
Estimating Node Location Using Wireless Metadata Application Note

This document describes how nodes in EpiSensor’s platform communicate, the metadata available about the health and performance of the wireless network, and how this data can be used to approximate the location of a battery powered node in a built environment.

Application NotesEPI-133-00application-noteszgwdemand-response energy-management environmental-monitoring
Datasheet NGR-30-3 Gateway
Gateway (NGR-30-3) Datasheet

EpiSensor’s Industrial IoT Gateway manages networks of EpiSensor wireless nodes and provides users with an intuitive web interface to  quickly and easily build complete Industrial IoT solutions. From this interface, the Gateway can be configured to push sensor data to software applications for archiving, and analysis and visualisation. 

DatasheetsEPI-102-00datasheetsngrenergy-management environmental-monitoring
Datasheet NGR-30-5 Gateway
Gateway (NGR-30-5) Datasheet

EpiSensor’s Industrial IoT Gateway manages networks of EpiSensor wireless nodes and provides users with an intuitive web interface to quickly and easily build complete Industrial IoT solutions. From this interface, the Gateway can be configured to push sensor data to edge or cloud software applications for archiving, and analysis and visualisation.

DatasheetsEPI-077-01datasheetsngrdemand-response energy-management environmental-monitoring
Install Sheet EpiSensor Gateway NGR-30-5
Gateway (NGR-30-5) Install Sheet

This document details the installation of the EpiSensor NGR-30-5 Gateway.

EpiSensor’s Industrial IoT Gateway manages networks of EpiSensor wireless nodes and provides users with an intuitive web interface to quickly and easily build complete Industrial IoT solutions. From this interface, the Gateway can be configured to push sensor data to edge or cloud software applications for archiving, and analysis and visualisation.

Install SheetsEPI-148-01install-sheetsngrdemand-response energy-management environmental-monitoring
User Guide EpiSensor Gateway
Gateway (NGR) User Guide

EpiSensor’s Internet of Things platform is easy to deploy, configure and scale and includes a range of sensor products that can monitor a variety of environmental and energy usage parameters in commercial and industrial environments.

User GuidesEPI-075-04user-guidesngrenergy-management environmental-monitoring
Datasheet ZGW-10 Gateway
Gateway (ZGW-10) Datasheet

EpiSensor’s Industrial IoT Gateway manages networks of EpiSensor wireless nodes and provides users with an intuitive web interface to quickly and easily build complete Industrial IoT solutions. The Gateway can be configured to push sensor data to edge or cloud software applications for archiving, and analysis and visualisation.

DatasheetsEPI-213-01datasheetszgwdemand-response energy-management environmental-monitoring
Install Sheet ZGW-10 Gateway
Gateway (ZGW-10) Install Sheet

EpiSensor’s Industrial IoT Gateway manages networks of EpiSensor wireless nodes and provides users with an intuitive web interface to quickly and easily build complete Industrial IoT solutions. The Gateway can be configured to push sensor data to edge or cloud software applications for archiving, and analysis and visualisation.

This document shows the installation of the EpiSensor Gateway ZGW-10.

Install SheetsEPI-215-01install-sheetszgwdemand-response energy-management environmental-monitoring
Gateway (ZGW-10) Quick Start Guide
Gateway (ZGW-10) Quick Start Guide

The EpiSensor ZGW-10 gateway quick start guide, to help get you on your way with initial setup up to connecting nodes

User GuidesEPI-264-00user-guideszgwdemand-response energy-management environmental-monitoring
User Guide Gateway ZGW-10 image. Leveraged by global partners to build energy monitoring and demand response programmes.
Gateway (ZGW-10) User Guide

This user guide contains technical information on configuring and maintaining the central component in the platform – the Gateway. For a minimum system, you will need a Gateway, a computer to access the web interface of the Gateway, an Ethernet cable (included) and at least one wireless node.

User GuidesEPI-233-03user-guidesngr zgwdemand-response energy-management environmental-monitoring
User Guide - EpiSensor Gateway API (EPI-009-10)
Gateway API User Guide

EpiSensor’s Gateway provides a HTTP API so developers can interact with the Gateway and wireless nodes programmatically. This means that changes can be made in bulk and systems can be more easily monitored and maintained remotely. This document describes how to interact with the Gateway API.

User GuidesEPI-009-10user-guidesngr zgwdemand-response energy-management environmental-monitoring
Application Note How To Calibrate a Temperature Sensor
How To Calibrate a Temperature Sensor Application Note

Field Calibration of EpiSensor temperature sensor nodes can be achieved using the EpiSensor Gateway. This functionality is supported both on the EpiSensor Gateway User Interface and in the EpiSensor Gateway API. 

Recent versions of EpiSensor’s TES, HTS, ZHT and ZTS product lines support this functionality.

Application NotesEPI-178-00application-notestes zgwenvironmental-monitoring
Application Note ISO 50001 and the advantages of the EpiSensor Platform
ISO 50001 and the Advantages of the EpiSensor Platform Application Note

EpiSensor’s Industrial IoT platform makes it easier than ever to collect data, so people can make better decisions, reduce cost and improve energy efficiency.

Data produced by our platform can transform the efficiency of an organisation by providing insight into areas of waste that could not be achieved using traditional monitoring, control and automation systems.

Application NotesEPI-059-03application-noteszem zgwenergy-management
Application Note - Management of Data Files in the EpiSensor Gateway
Management of Data Files in the EpiSensor Gateway Application Note

This Application Note details the actions to remedy the issue when a gateway fills up disk space with data files, and an attempt to upgrade to a newer version of the epi-gateway has not resolved the issue. The solution is to completely re-image the gateway.

Application NotesEPI-191-00application-notesngr zgwdemand-response energy-management environmental-monitoring
Application Note Monitoring Modbus Devices with the EpiSensor ZMB
Monitoring Modbus Devices with the EpiSensor ZMB Application Note

EpiSensor’s ZMB makes it easy to collect data from wired Modbus-enabled equipment. 

Data is transferred securely over a wireless network to a central Gateway, where it is stored and exported to a variety of 3rd party platforms for storage, visualisation and analysis.

This Application Note details the system architecture of monitoring Modbus devices with our ZMB.

Application NotesEPI-063-00application-noteszmbenergy-management
Application Note Monitoring Production with EpiSensor
Monitoring Production with EpiSensor Application Note

This system diagram gives a high level view of the integration of EpiSensor Gateway software and devices with IoT software apps over cloud networks to assist with Production Monitoring

Application NotesEPI-145-00application-notesngr zgw zpc
Monitoring the secondary output of a CT with ZDR
Monitoring the secondary output of a CT with ZDR Application Note

This Application Note describes how to monitor the secondary output of existing current transformers with ZDR. This approach simplifies the electrical installation and reduces cost and disruption of collecting electricity consumption data from customer sites and assets. This approach may not be suitable for all programs, particularly those with requirements for high accuracy metering. Mini CT’s are available as an option on ZDR hardware v1.5 only and must be specified at time of order (see ‘ordering information’ from the ZDR user guide). 

Application NotesEPI-144-00application-noteszdrdemand-response
Application Note Monitoring Vibration with EpiSensor
Monitoring Vibration with EpiSensor ZIO Application Note

EpiSensor’s analogue signal sensor (ZIO) is a rugged, mains-powered sensor used to monitor flow rates, pressure levels, pH or any other energy related output which uses the industry standard 4-20mA current loop.

The data is recorded and transferred securely over a wireless mesh network to a central EpiSensor Gateway where it can be exported to a variety of 3rd party systems for storage, visualisation and analysis to improve energy efficiency and reduce cost.

Application NotesEPI-062-00application-noteszio
Application Note NGR-30-3 Java Versions
NGR-30-3 Java Versions Application Note

This application note describes the compatibility issues surrounding Java versions in the EpiSensor NGR-30-3 product.

In general, Java Virtual Machines are backwards compatible with Java source code compiled with an earlier version of Java but are not forwards compatible. 

Application NotesEPI-067-00application-notesngr
Phase and Frequency Analysis on ZDR
Phase and Frequency Analysis on ZDR Application Note

EpiSensor’s Demand Response Controller is an all-in-one solution for large-scale Demand Side Response programs. Built on EpiSensor’s hardened Industrial IoT platform, it meets the highest standards of accuracy, reliability and security, with a consumer-class user experience that’s easy to install, configure and maintain. 

This Application Note describes how to use the Frequency Analysis settings to analyse and correct potential installation errors with a ZDR.

Application NotesEPI-180-00application-noteszdrdemand-response
Application Note Precision Agriculture with EpiSensor
Precision Agriculture with EpiSensor Application Note

This diagram details the precision agriculture possible with EpiSensor.

This system diagram gives a high level view of the integration of EpiSensor Gateway software and devices with IoT software apps over cloud networks to assist with Temperature Monitoring and Energy Management

Application NotesEPI-150-00application-noteshts ngr tes zem zgwenergy-management environmental-monitoring
Application Note Predictive Maintenance with EpiSensor
Predictive Maintenance with EpiSensor Application Note

This system diagram details the predictive maintenance possible with EpiSensor. It gives a high level view of the integration of EpiSensor Gateway software and devices with IoT software apps over cloud networks.

Application NotesEPI-060-00application-notesngr tes zem zgw zioenergy-management environmental-monitoring
Application Note Refrigeration Monitoring with EpiSensor
Refrigeration Monitoring with EpiSensor Application Note

This system diagram details the refrigeration monitoring possible with EpiSensor.
This system diagram gives a high-level view of the integration of EpiSensor Gateway software and devices with IoT software apps over cloud networks to assist with:
Temperature Monitoring
Energy Management
Refrigeration Monitoring
Predictive Maintenance
Demand Response

Application NotesEPI-061-00application-notestesenvironmental-monitoring
Reloading calibration registers on ZDR - 16
Reloading Calibration Registers on ZDR-16 Application Note

EpiSensor’s Demand Response Controller is an all-in-one solution for large-scale Demand Side Response programs. Built on EpiSensor’s hardened Industrial IoT platform, it meets the highest standards of accuracy, reliability and security, with a consumer-class user experience that’s easy to install, configure and maintain. 
This Application Note details the configuration of tokens needed to calibrate a Demand Response Controller ZDR-16.

Application NotesEPI-182-00application-noteszdrdemand-response
Application Note Security Considerations for EpiSensor Gateways
Security Considerations for EpiSensor Gateways, Application Note

This document describes a range of procedures and settings for the EpiSensor Gateway that can be used to increase security when deploying EpiSensor systems in critical environments. This is not intended to be a comprehensive guide to Linux systems administration, but rather covers security considerations for EpiSensor’s application software and its communications requirements.

Application NotesEPI-210-01application-notesngr zgwdemand-response energy-management environmental-monitoring
Setting a Static IP Address on client devices
Setting a Static IP Address on client devices

This document outlines the process for setting a fixed IP Address on a client device to directly connect to an EpiSensor Gateway

User GuidesEPI-260-00user-guideszgw
Setting a Static IP Address on Linux (Ubuntu) Desktop
Setting a Static IP Address on Linux (Ubuntu) Desktop

This document outlines the process for setting a static (fixed) IP Address on a Linux (Ubuntu) Desktop client device to directly connect to an EpiSensor Gateway

User GuidesEPI-263-00user-guideszgw
Setting a Static IP Address on macOS
Setting a Static IP Address on macOS

This document outlines the process for setting a static (fixed) IP Address on a macOS client device to directly connect to an EpiSensor Gateway

User GuidesEPI-262-00user-guideszgw
Setting a Static IP Address on Windows 11
Setting a Static IP Address on Windows 11

This document outlines the process for setting a static (fixed) IP Address on a Windows 11 client device to directly connect to an EpiSensor Gateway

User GuidesEPI-261-00user-guideszgw
Application Note - Software Injection Testing on ZDR (EPI-163-00)
Software Injection Testing on ZDR Application Note

This application note details the way EpiSensor’s ZDR supports software injection testing to simulate a frequency event so a site or asset’s reaction and performance can be monitored without the need for external hardware. 

Application NotesEPI-163-00application-noteszdrdemand-response
Datasheet - TES-2X (EPI-196-00)
Temperature Sensor (TES-2X) Datasheet

EpiSensor’s TES is a flexible, highly accurate wireless single or dual-channel probe temperature sensor. It can monitor environmental conditions in buildings and assets remotely and securely via the EpiSensor Gateway, providing facility managers with the granular real-time data they need to improve efficiency, reduce costs and improve performance. 

Datasheet ZTS 1X
Temperature, Humidity, Pressure and Air Quality Sensor (ZTS-1X) Datasheet

EpiSensor’s ZTS is a flexible, highly accurate wireless temperature, humidity, pressure and air quality sensor. It can monitor environmental conditions in buildings and assets remotely and securely via the EpiSensor Gateway, providing facility managers with the granular real-time data they need to improve efficiency, reduce costs and improve performance.

Application Note Time Synchronisation on the Gateway
Time Synchronisation on the Gateway (NGR) Application Note

On the new NGR-30-3 hardware running Ubuntu 16 (OS version V02.00), it was observed that the OS time was resetting to February 11 2016 after power down. On previous versions of the hardware/OS the reset OS time was Jan 1 2000.
This led to a reworking and rethinking of the time handling and time synchronization methodology.

Application NotesEPI-068-00application-notesngrenergy-management environmental-monitoring
Application Note - Use of Node Profiles on the EpiSensor Gateway
Use of Node Profiles on the EpiSensor Gateway Application Note

This document describes the use of Node Profiles on the EpiSensor Gateway. A Node Profile is a description of a node, its properties and sensors, in a JSON file format.

Application NotesEPI-208-00application-notesngr zgwdemand-response energy-management environmental-monitoring
Datasheet Wireless 3-Ph Electricity Monitor ZEM-61
Wireless 3-Phase Electricity Monitor (ZEM-61) Datasheet – Discontinued

EpiSensor’s ZEM is a highly accurate wireless 3-phase electricity monitor. It can monitor energy consumption patterns in equipment and buildings remotely via the EpiSensor Gateway, providing facility and energy managers with targeted energy consumption information essential for increasing efficiency.

Install Sheet Wireless 3-Ph Electricity Monitor ZEM-61
Wireless 3-Phase Electricity Monitor (ZEM-61) Install Sheet – Discontinued

EpiSensor’s ZEM is a highly accurate wireless 3 phase electricity monitor. It can monitor energy consumption patterns in equipment and buildings remotely via the EpiSensor Gateway, providing facility and energy managers with targeted energy consumption information essential for increasing efficiency.

This document shows the installation of the Wireless 3-Phase Electricity Monitor ZEM-61.

Install SheetsEPI-096-00install-sheetszemenergy-management
Install Sheet Wireless 3-Ph Electricity Monitor ZEM-61
Wireless 3-Phase Electricity Monitor (ZEM-62) Install Sheet – Discontinued

EpiSensor’s ZEM is a highly accurate wireless 3-phase electricity monitor. It can monitor energy consumption patterns in equipment and buildings remotely via the EpiSensor Gateway, providing facility and energy managers with targeted energy consumption information essential for increasing efficiency.
This document details the installation of the Wireless 3-Ph Electricity Monitor ZEM-62.

Install SheetsEPI-097-00install-sheetszemenergy-management
Wireless 3-Ph Electricity Monitor ZEM-63
Wireless 3-Phase Electricity Monitor (ZEM-63) Datasheet

EpiSensor’s ZEM is a highly accurate wireless 3-phase electricity monitor. It can monitor energy consumption patterns in equipment and buildings remotely via the EpiSensor Gateway, providing facility and energy managers with targeted energy consumption information essential for increasing efficiency.

Wireless 3-Ph Electricity Monitor ZEM-63 (EPI-222-00)
Wireless 3-Phase Electricity Monitor (ZEM-63) Install Sheet

EpiSensor’s ZEM is a highly accurate wireless 3-phase electricity monitor. It can monitor energy consumption patterns in equipment and buildings remotely via the EpiSensor Gateway, providing facility and energy managers with targeted energy consumption information essential for increasing efficiency.
This document details the installation of the Wireless 3-Phase Electricity Monitor ZEM-63.

Install SheetsEPI-222-00install-sheetszemenergy-management
Datasheet - ZHT-1X (EPI-201-00)
Wireless Ambient Temperature and Humidity Sensor (ZHT-1X) Datasheet

EpiSensor’s ZHT is a flexible, highly accurate wireless ambient temperature and humidity sensor. It can monitor environmental conditions in buildings and assets remotely and securely via the EpiSensor Gateway, providing facility managers with the granular real-time data they need to improve efficiency, reduce costs and improve performance.

Install Sheet Wireless Analogue Signal Sensor ZIO-2x
Wireless Analogue Signal Sensor (ZIO-2x) Install Sheet

EpiSensor’s analogue signal sensor (ZIO) is a rugged, mains-powered sensor used to monitor flow rates, pressure levels, pH or any other energy related output which uses the industry standard 4-20mA current loop or 0-10V signal.

Install SheetsEPI-091-00install-sheetszioenergy-management
User Guide Wireless Analogue Signal Sensor ZIO-2x
Wireless Analogue Signal Sensor (ZIO) User Guide

User Guide for EpiSensor’s Wireless Analogue Signal Sensor (ZIO) which can monitor analogue 4-20mA current outputs from 3rd party sensors/devices. These sensors can measure a variety of real world conditions such as wind speed or direction, weights, volumes and depths. The ZIO reports the data through the wireless sensor network to the Gateway.

User GuidesEPI-205-00user-guidesziodemand-response energy-management environmental-monitoring
Wireless Analogue Signal Sensor (ZIO/ZVO) Datasheet
Wireless Analogue Signal Sensor (ZIO/ZVO) Datasheet

EpiSensor’s analogue signal sensor (ZIO/ZVO) is a rugged, mains-powered sensor used to monitor flow rates, …

DatasheetsEPI-231-00datasheetszio zvoenergy-management
Install Sheet Wireless Analogue Signal Sensor ZVO-2x
Wireless Analogue Signal Sensor (ZVO-2x) Install Sheet

EpiSensor’s analogue signal sensor (ZVO) is a rugged, mains-powered sensor used to monitor flow rates, pressure levels, pH or any other energy related output which uses the industry standard 0-10V signal.

Install SheetsEPI-089-00install-sheetszvoenergy-management
User Guide Wireless Analogue Signal Sensor ZVO-2x
Wireless Analogue Signal Sensor (ZVO-2X) User Guide

EpiSensor’s ZVO 0-10 Volt Sensor is intended to detect the voltage across a pair of wires from a 0-10 Volt transducer. These transducers can measure a variety of real world conditions such as wind speed or direction, weights, volumes and depths. The ZVO reports the data through the wireless sensor network to the Gateway.

User GuidesEPI-206-00user-guideszvoenergy-management
Install sheet Demand Response Controller ZDR 1X
Wireless Demand Response Controller (ZDR-1X) Install Sheet – Discontinued

This document details the installation of the Demand Response Controller ZDR-1X.

EpiSensor’s Demand Response Controller is an all-in-one solution for large-scale Demand Side Response programs. Built on EpiSensor’s hardened Industrial IoT platform, it meets the highest standards of accuracy, reliability and security, with a consumer-class user experience that’s easy to install, configure and maintain. 

Install SheetsEPI-065-02install-sheetszdrdemand-response
User Guide - ZDR-1X (EPI-078-03)
Wireless Demand Response Controller (ZDR-1X) User Guide – Discontinued

EpiSensor’s ZDR enables customers to participate in multiple Demand and Frequency response programs. It includes best-in-class functionality to accurately monitor electrical load (via CT’s or pulse inputs), frequency and can take action to shed load or engage backup generators based on frequency set points or commands sent from a remote network operations centre. 

User GuidesEPI-078-03user-guideszdrdemand-response
Datasheet ZDR-2X
Wireless Demand Response Controller (ZDR-2X) Datasheet

EpiSensor’s Demand Response Controller is an all-in-one solution for large-scale Demand Side Response programs. Built on EpiSensor’s hardened Industrial IoT platform, it meets the highest standards of accuracy, reliability and security, with a consumer-class user experience that’s easy to install, configure and maintain. 

Install Sheet - EpiSensor ZDR-2X (EPI-212-01)
Wireless Demand Response Controller (ZDR-2X) Install Sheet

This document details the installation of the Demand Response Controller ZDR-2X.

EpiSensor’s Demand Response Controller is an all-in-one solution for large-scale Demand Side Response programs. Built on EpiSensor’s hardened Industrial IoT platform, it meets the highest standards of accuracy, reliability and security, with a consumer-class user experience that’s easy to install, configure and maintain. 

Install SheetsEPI-212-01install-sheetszdrdemand-response
User Guide - ZDR-2X (EPI-214-00)
Wireless Demand Response Controller (ZDR-2X) User Guide

EpiSensor’s ZDR enables customers to participate in multiple Demand and Frequency response programs. It includes best-in-class functionality to accurately monitor electrical load (via CT’s or pulse inputs), frequency and can take action to shed load or engage backup generators based on frequency set points or commands sent from a remote network operations centre.

User GuidesEPI-214-00user-guideszdrdemand-response
Install Sheet Wireless Digital Signal Sensor ZDI-2x
Wireless Digital Signal Sensor (ZDI-2x) Install Sheet

EpiSensor’s digital signal sensor is used to count pulses produced by mechanical or electrical meters. These pulses typically represent a volume of liquid, water, gas, oil, heat or electricity consumed.

This document shows the installation of the EpiSensor Wireless Digital Signal Sensor EpiSensor ZDI-2X.

Install SheetsEPI-088-00install-sheetszdienergy-management
User Guide Wireless Digital Signal Sensor ZDI-2x
Wireless Digital Signal Sensor (ZDI-2x) User Guide

EpiSensor’s ZDI Digital Signal Sensor is intended to detect the open/closed status of switches, for example to detect when a door in a warehouse opens, and the percentage of time that it is open for. The ZDI reports the data through the wireless sensor network to the Gateway.

User GuidesEPI-204-00user-guideszdienergy-management
Install Sheet Wireless Digital Signal Sensor ZPC-1X
Wireless Digital Signal Sensor (ZPC-1X) Install Sheet

EpiSensor’s digital signal sensor is used to count pulses produced by mechanical or electrical meters. These pulses typically represent a volume of liquid, water, gas, oil, heat or electricity consumed. 

Install SheetsEPI-073-00install-sheetszpcenergy-management
Datasheet Wireless Digital Signal Sensor ZPC-2X
Wireless Digital Signal Sensor (ZPC-2X) Datasheet

EpiSensor’s digital signal sensor is used to count pulses produced by mechanical or electrical meters. These pulses typically represent a volume of liquid, water, gas, oil, heat or electricity consumed. 

User Guide Wireless Digital Signal Sensor ZPC
Wireless Digital Signal Sensor (ZPC) User Guide

User Guide for EpiSensor’s ZPC Pulse Counter (Digital Signal Sensor) which is intended to interface with sensor products which produce either a dry contact (relay/switch), open collector, or an active voltage pulse output. The ZPC reports the data through the wireless sensor network to the Gateway.

User GuidesEPI-058-00user-guideszpcdemand-response energy-management environmental-monitoring
Install Sheet Wireless Digital Signal Sensor EpiSensor ZPC-2X
Wireless Digital Signal Sensor EpiSensor (ZPC-2X) Install Sheet

EpiSensor’s digital signal sensor is used to count pulses produced by mechanical or electrical meters. These pulses typically represent a volume of liquid, water, gas, oil, heat or electricity consumed. 

Install SheetsEPI-074-00install-sheetszpcenergy-management
Install Sheet Wireless Electricity Monitor ZEM-3X
Wireless Electricity Monitor (ZEM-3X) Install Sheet – Discontinued

EpiSensor’s ZEM is a highly accurate wireless single phase electricity monitor. It can monitor energy consumption patterns in equipment and buildings remotely via the EpiSensor Gateway, providing facility and energy managers with targeted energy consumption information essential for increasing efficiency. This document shows the installation of the Wireless Single Phase Electricity Monitor ZEM-3X.

Install SheetsEPI-175-00install-sheetszemenergy-management
Install Sheet Wireless M-Bus Interface ZHM-20
Wireless M-Bus Interface (ZHM-20) Install Sheet – Discontinued

EpiSensor’s Wireless M-Bus Interface ZHM-20 makes it easy to collect data from wired M-Bus-enabled metering equipment. Data is transferred securely over a wireless network to a central Gateway, where it is stored and exported to a variety of 3rd party platforms for tenant billing, storage, visualisation and analysis. 
This document shows the installation of the ZHM-20.

Install SheetsEPI-087-00install-sheetseol zhmenergy-management
Datasheet Wireless M-Bus Interface ZHM-21
Wireless M-Bus Interface (ZHM-21) Datasheet

EpiSensor’s ZHM-21 makes it easy to collect data from wired M-Bus-enabled metering equipment. Data is transferred securely over a wireless network to a central Gateway, where it is stored and exported to a variety of 3rd party platforms for tenant billing, storage, visualisation and analysis.

Install Sheet Wireless M-Bus Interface ZHM-21
Wireless M-Bus Interface (ZHM-21) Install Sheet

EpiSensor’s Wireless M-Bus Interface ZHM-21 makes it easy to collect data from wired M-Bus-enabled metering equipment. Data is transferred securely over a wireless network to a central Gateway, where it is stored and exported to a variety of 3rd party platforms for tenant billing, storage, visualisation and analysis.
This document shows the installation of the ZHM-21.

Install SheetsEPI-086-00install-sheetszhmenergy-management
User Guide Wireless M-Bus Interface ZHM image
Wireless M-Bus Interface (ZHM) User Guide

EpiSensor’s ZHM Wireless M-Bus Interface is designed to make it easy to collect data from a wide range of heating, cooling and other energy meters using the M-Bus wired communications standard. The ZHM-21 also includes a relay output that can control a valve, allowing remote shut-off via the API on the EpiSensor Gateway. 

User GuidesEPI-085-00user-guideszhmenergy-management
Datasheet Wireless Modbus Interface ZMB-3X
Wireless Modbus Interface (ZMB-3X) Datasheet

EpiSensor’s ZMB makes it easy to collect data from wired Modbus-enabled equipment. Data is transferred securely over a wireless network to a central Gateway, where it is stored and exported to a variety of 3rd party platforms for storage, visualisation and analysis. 

Install Sheet Wireless Modbus Interface ZMB-3X
Wireless Modbus Interface (ZMB-3X) Install Sheet

EpiSensor’s Wireless Modbus Interface (ZMB) makes it easy to collect data from wired Modbus-enabled equipment. 
Data is transferred securely over a wireless network to a central Gateway, where it is stored and exported to a variety of 3rd party platforms for storage, visualisation and analysis.
This Install Sheet shows the installation of the ZMB-3X.

Install SheetsEPI-090-00install-sheetszmbenergy-management
User Guide Wireless Modbus Interface ZMB
Wireless Modbus Interface (ZMB) User Guide

User Guide for EpiSensor’s ZMB Wireless Modbus Interface is designed to make it easy to collect data from a wide range of heating, cooling and other energy meters using the Modbus RTU (over RS-485) wired communications standard. 

User GuidesEPI-194-00user-guideszmbdemand-response energy-management environmental-monitoring
Datasheet Wireless Range Extender RTO-20
Wireless Range Extender (RTO-20) Datasheet – Discontinued

EpiSensor’s RTO-20 can extend wireless coverage of an EpiSensor system by up to 300m, with quick and easy installation by plugging into any mains power outlet.  It includes a high-quality, worldwide certified USB power supply with interchangeable pins for UK, EU, USA and AUS. 

DatasheetsEPI-171-00datasheetsrtodemand-response energy-management environmental-monitoring
Datasheet Wireless Range Extender RTO-23
Wireless Range Extender (RTO-23) Datasheet

EpiSensor’s RTO product range can extend wireless coverage of an EpiSensor system by up to 300m. Built on EpiSensor’s hardened Industrial IoT platform, it meets the highest standards of reliability and security, with a consumer-class user interface making it easy to install, configure and maintain. 

DatasheetsEPI-066-00datasheetsrtodemand-response energy-management environmental-monitoring
Install Sheet Wireless Range Extender RTO-23
Wireless Range Extender (RTO-23) Install Sheet

EpiSensor’s RTO product range can extend wireless coverage of an EpiSensor system by up to 300m. Built on EpiSensor’s hardened Industrial IoT platform, it meets the highest standards of reliability and security, with a consumer-class user interface making it easy to install, configure and maintain.

This document shows the installation of the Wireless Range Extender RTO-23.

Install SheetsEPI-092-00install-sheetsrtodemand-response energy-management environmental-monitoring
User Guide - RTO (EPI-203-00)
Wireless Range Extender (RTO) User Guide

EpiSensor’s RTO Wireless Routers / Range Extenders are intended to expand the area covered by an EpiSensor wireless sensor network. They can overcome signal blocking obstacles such as walls, doors and ceilings as well as extend coverage along corridors. They can be used outside to connect a wireless network between buildings or over open ground. 

User GuidesEPI-203-00user-guidesrtodemand-response energy-management environmental-monitoring
Install Sheet EpiSensor ACT 2X
Wireless Switch (ACT-2X) Install Sheet

This Install Sheet refers to EpiSensor’s Wireless Switch ACT 2X.

This diagram gives a high level view of the integration of EpiSensor Gateway software and devices with IoT software apps over cloud networks to assist with:

Temperature Monitoring
Energy Management
Refrigeration Monitoring
Predictive Maintenance
Demand Response

Install SheetsEPI-098-00install-sheetsactdemand-response energy-management environmental-monitoring
Install Sheet EpiSensor HTS 1X
Wireless Temperature and Humidity Sensor (HTS-1X) Install Sheet

This Install Sheet refers to EpiSensor’s Wireless Temperature and Humidity Sensor.

This system diagram gives a high level view of the integration of EpiSensor Gateway software and devices with IoT software apps over cloud networks to assist with:

Temperature Monitoring
Energy Management
Refrigeration Monitoring
Predictive Maintenance
Demand Response

Install SheetsEPI-095-00install-sheetshtsenvironmental-monitoring
Install Sheet EpiSensor ZHT 1X
Wireless Temperature and Humidity Sensor (ZHT 1X) Install Sheet

This Install Sheet refers to EpiSensor’s Wireless Temperature and Humidity Sensor.
EpiSensor’s ZHT is a flexible, highly accurate wireless ambient temperature and humidity sensor. It can monitor  environmental conditions in buildings and assets remotely and securely via the EpiSensor Gateway, providing facility  managers with the granular real-time data they need to improve efficiency, reduce costs and improve performance.

Install SheetsEPI-218-00install-sheetszhtenvironmental-monitoring
Install Sheet EpiSensor TES 1X
Wireless Temperature Sensor (TES-1X) Install Sheet

This Install Sheet refers to EpiSensor’s Wireless Ambient Temperature Sensor.

This system diagram gives a high level view of the integration of EpiSensor Gateway software and devices with IoT software apps over cloud networks to assist with:

Temperature Monitoring
Energy Management
Refrigeration Monitoring
Predictive Maintenance
Demand Response

Install SheetsEPI-093-00install-sheetstesenvironmental-monitoring
Install Sheet EpiSensor TES 2X
Wireless Temperature Sensor (TES-2X) Install Sheet

EpiSensor’s TES is a flexible, highly accurate wireless single or dual-channel probe temperature sensor. It can monitor environmental conditions in buildings and assets remotely and securely via the EpiSensor Gateway, providing facility managers with the granular real-time data they need to improve efficiency, reduce costs and improve performance.

Install SheetsEPI-094-00install-sheetstesenvironmental-monitoring
User Guide EpiSensor TES 2x
Wireless Temperature Sensor (TES-2x) User Guide

EpiSensor’s TES-2x Temperature Sensor is intended to measure the temperature of a probe. Various probe options are available allowing the probe to be immersed in a liquid, or connected to a pipe. The probe is also available with different lengths. 

User GuidesEPI-199-00user-guidestesenvironmental-monitoring
User Guide EpiSensor ZTS 1x
Wireless Temperature Sensor (ZTS-1X) User Guide

This product has been discontinued. If you have purchased this product and would like to upgrade to the latest technology, please contact us. User Guide for EpiSensor’s ZTS-1x Temperature Sensor. It is intended to measure the temperature via a probe. Various probe options are available allowing the probe to be immersed in a liquid, or connected to a pipe.

User GuidesEPI-202-00user-guidesztsenvironmental-monitoring