Case Study

Inteligistics deliver accurate temperature tracking in harsh environments with bespoke EpiSensor solution.




Pennsylvania, United States


Supply Chain

Key Products Used

Inteligistics delivers supply chain digitization solutions through high value improvements to supply chain and cold chain performance, productivity and sustainability. The Inteligistics solutions enable customers to significantly improve or transform their existing processes. 


As a leader in supply chain digitization solutions, Inteligistics delivered a project for the US Navy focusing on transportation and tracking small items accurately by using wireless and RFID technologies.

Looking at new ways of commercialising this project for general use in the coaching industry, surfaced the challenge of tracking perishable commodities and  medical items that require specific temperature environments.

At the time, we used a local provider who couldn’t provide sensors that performed in harsh environments and couldn’t meet our demands for accuracy, ruggedness, sensitivity and reliability.

Eric KithinjiChief Engineer, Inteligistics

In order to meet the requirements for harsh environments, Inteligistics engaged the EpiSensor team. At that time the EpiSensor solutions were only suitable for measuring temperatures inside buildings, however the two teams worked together to uncover all the project requirements. Apart from the harsh environments the sensors were required to operate in, energy efficiency was also identified as a challenge and a priority for the project. The devices readily available on the market at that stage required weekly battery replacements.

The EpiSensor team designed and built a custom solution by transforming their temperature sensors to fit the harsh environments and designing a more energy efficient strategy for each device to reconnect to the network. 

Episensor’s devices are now the foundation of every solution that we design. They offer reliability, ruggedness, accuracy, field calibration, and battery life that’s measured in months and years - while their competitors require weekly replacements.

Eric KithinjiChief Engineer, Inteligistics

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