Case Study

NuLumenTek (and NuEnergyTek) grow global footprint leveraging EpiSensor technology


NuLumenTek and NuEnergyTek


NuLumenTek: Ireland, UK and Middle East

NuEnergyTek: Ireland


Aviation, Technology, Data Centres, Manufacturing, Pharma, etc.

Key Products Used

NuLumenTek is a highly experienced lighting engineering company, specialising in the design and supply of energy efficient lighting to industrial and commercial entities. With offices in Ireland, the UK, and across the Middle East, their team of engineers, designers and architects are passionate about delivering design-led, sustainable, commercial lighting. 

NuEnergyTek, part of the NuLumenTek group, is an Energy Monitoring and Optimisation solutions provider that emerged organically from market demand observed by the team at NuLumenTek. NuLumenTek is rapidly expanding their global presence with an impressive portfolio of blue chip clients across all sectors worldwide including Aviation, Technology (Data Centres), Hospitality, Retail and more. NuEnergyTek, launched more recently, is sharply following NuLumenTek’s growth trajectory. 


As a specialist in large-scale, sustainable lighting solutions for commercial and industrial environments, NuLumenTek needed a reliable, easy-to-install and scalable IoT solution that enabled NuLumenTek to deliver energy-efficient, elevated lighting designs. 

NuEnergyTek required a reliable, accurate and easily-adopted IoT solution that integrated easily into Energy Dashboard, their proprietary software solution. Bringing together the expertise of NuEnergyTek’s data scientists, developers and engineers, Energy Dashboard presents NuEnergyTek’s clients with valuable real-time insights on energy consumption and performance, powering future decisions and supporting regulatory compliance. 

Data accuracy, ease-of-installation, scalability and a proven track record were all critical factors behind NuLumenTek (and NuEnergyTek’s) IoT partner decision and EpiSensor proved to be the stand-out partner to help drive success. 

“EpiSensor’s world-class IoT infrastructure, expertise and collaborative approach have been important factors in NuLumenTek’s ability to win lucrative contracts all over the world. Not just that - the calibre of their existing partner network and impressive product collateral have proved to be important conversion tools in turning prospects into customers. We see this partnership growing well into the future.”

Jim Healy, CEONuLumenTek and NuEnergyTek
Airport Retail showing energy efficient lighting installations by NuLumenTek

Our Contribution 

EpiSensor partners with NuLumenTek (and NuEnergyTek) by providing best-in-class IoT electricity monitoring infrastructure, enabling them to deliver comprehensive energy-efficient commercial lighting and energy management solutions to clients worldwide. Energy Management solutions specifically include energy audits, energy certifications (such as ISO 50001) and building and process optimisation. 

The straightforward commissioning process, with no requirement for specific training, has enabled NuLumentek and NuEnergyTek to deliver commercial programmes, fast, ensuring they stay ahead of the competition.

Accurate, reliable energy consumption data extracted through our ZEM’s and powerful Gateways means NuEnergyTek, in particular, can achieve significant efficiency gains and return on investment for their commercial clients globally.

“In 5 years partnering with EpiSensor, we have had no need to explore alternative solutions. Their energy monitoring infrastructure is accurate, reliable and easy to deploy. We view EpiSensor’s partnership as critical to NuEnergyTek’s global expansion and continued success!”

Colm Murphy, DirectorNuEnergyTek

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Data graph EpiSensor Core

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