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Wireless Analogue Signal Sensor (ZIO/ZVO) Datasheet

Wireless Analogue Signal Sensor (ZIO/ZVO) Datasheet

EpiSensor's analogue signal sensor (ZIO/ZVO) is a rugged, mains-powered sensor used to monitor flow rates, pressure levels, pH or any other energy related output which uses the industry standard 4-20mA current loop or 0-10V signal. The data is recorded and…
Cristina Coffey
September 6, 2023
User Guide Wireless Analogue Signal Sensor ZVO-2x

Wireless Analogue Signal Sensor (ZVO-2X) User Guide

EpiSensor’s ZVO 0-10 Volt Sensor is intended to detect the voltage across a pair of wires from a 0-10 Volt transducer. These transducers can measure a variety of real world conditions such as wind speed or direction, weights, volumes and…
Conor Wade
December 15, 2022